Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Online Professional Development in a Virtual World

The five groups of the North Carolina e-Learners for Educators group held an online professional development event in Second Life today. The five groups: The Friday Institute, Learn NC, NC Department of Public Instruction, NC Virtual Public School, and UNC-TV shared their work in online professional development. You can view their materials on the Second Life Island for the next week or two using the links below.

The Friday Institute - The Wilmington Corner
Learn NC - The Lighthouse
NC DPI - The Compass Rose
NCVPS - The Teacher Gallery
UNC-TV - The Brook Chat

You can also watch some of the archived sessions below.

For those of you that watch the archived videos and review the materials posted in Second Life, we'd love for you to share your thoughts on the following survey. Some of the questions may not pertain to you since you were not at the live event but answer those you can. Thanks!

Survey Link

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