Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dr. Setser will present on "Blended Virtual Ecosystem" at the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) in Second Life

Dr. Bryan Setser, Cheif Executive Officer, of the North Carolina Virtual Public School and Jennifer Nobles, Modular Learning Specialist, from the North Carolina Virtual Public School will discuss how NCVPS discovered a blended virtual ecosystem in Second Life this past year. Their session will focus on sandbox approaches, lessons learned, and new clients that resemble second life for the purpose of advancing virtual learning among all p-20 stakeholders in education. Moreover, this session will include interactive participation and an integrated piece on discovery to showcase the power of blended virtual ecosytems with other web 2.0 platforms. Join them at 5pm SLT (8pm EST) at the Discovery Educators Network (DEN) in Second Life.

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