Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Second Life Open House

Are you new to Second Life and want to learn more? Have you wanted to attend a workshop or event but wasn't sure how to sit, talk, move, etc? If so, come join us on the NCVPS Second Life Island Wednesday, October 28th at 8pm. We will offer tours of the island, getting started tutorials, and answer any questions you may have.
Below is the link to our island. If you have a Second Life account, you will teleport to our island after logging on. If you don't have an account, you will go to the Second Life website where you will be given the chance to create an account. If you need help creating an account, this presentation may help: http://content.flypaper.net/70676be8-88b3-4cf5-b383-a1b1a26ec1bd/preview.aspx
We look forward to seeing you there!
Jennifer Nobles (Second Life Avatar: Jill Kips)
Adam Renfro (Second Life Avatar: iAdam Zapatero)
Ellen Minter (Second Life Avatar: EJ Escobar)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

"The Blended Ecosystem" presented by Dr. Setser at the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) in Second LIfe

Dr. Setser led a discussion on blended ecosystems in the DEN in Second Life on Wednesday evening. Dr. Setser shared the journey NCVPS has made in Second Life and what the future may hold. Jennifer Nobles led a breakout session to illustrate the power of multiple experiences driven by user interest for discussions in Second Life. Many websites were shared during the session that may prove useful in your own journey.
Active Worlds
iPod Touch at Culbreth Middle School
Literacy 2 Learn
The VLC site

If you missed this event and would like to watch some of the archives, Adam Renfro posted a video series on You Tube for you to view at your convenience. This is a 11 part video series that covers many of the highlights of the discussion.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dr. Setser will present on "Blended Virtual Ecosystem" at the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) in Second Life

Dr. Bryan Setser, Cheif Executive Officer, of the North Carolina Virtual Public School and Jennifer Nobles, Modular Learning Specialist, from the North Carolina Virtual Public School will discuss how NCVPS discovered a blended virtual ecosystem in Second Life this past year. Their session will focus on sandbox approaches, lessons learned, and new clients that resemble second life for the purpose of advancing virtual learning among all p-20 stakeholders in education. Moreover, this session will include interactive participation and an integrated piece on discovery education.net to showcase the power of blended virtual ecosytems with other web 2.0 platforms. Join them at 5pm SLT (8pm EST) at the Discovery Educators Network (DEN) in Second Life.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Online Professional Development in a Virtual World

The five groups of the North Carolina e-Learners for Educators group held an online professional development event in Second Life today. The five groups: The Friday Institute, Learn NC, NC Department of Public Instruction, NC Virtual Public School, and UNC-TV shared their work in online professional development. You can view their materials on the Second Life Island for the next week or two using the links below.

The Friday Institute - The Wilmington Corner
Learn NC - The Lighthouse
NC DPI - The Compass Rose
NCVPS - The Teacher Gallery
UNC-TV - The Brook Chat

You can also watch some of the archived sessions below.

For those of you that watch the archived videos and review the materials posted in Second Life, we'd love for you to share your thoughts on the following survey. Some of the questions may not pertain to you since you were not at the live event but answer those you can. Thanks!

Survey Link

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Getting Started on the NCVPS Island

Click on the following link to view a tutorial on how to get started in Second Life. This tutorial will take you through creating a Second Life account if you do not have one to teleporting to the NCVPS Island in Second Life.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Thrilling Thursday Staff Development on June 4, 2008

Peggy Sheehy presented information on using second life with teens on Thursday, June 4th at 7pm est. Peggy joined us on the NCVPS Island and shared ways that students are using second life in the classroom and the new and exciting projects she is doing with her students in NY. Check out her blog on Teen Grid Clearance. http://www.tslclear.blogspot.com

NCVPS Summer Retreat

NCVPS recently held the 2009 Summer Retreat. Our Advisory Board joined us virtually for this event. One of the breakout sessions was held in Second Life and the virtual attendees were given the option of joining in Second Life as well.

Option 1: Join the breakout sessions in Second Life. If you have a mic you can use voice chat in Second Life. If not, you can listen to the conversation and add your thoughts via text chat. The presentation below explains how to get started in Second Life even if you don't have an account. You can access our island in Second Life by clicking on the slurl below. (The video presentation also explains how to use the slurl.) If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Nobles at jnobles@dpi.state.nc.us or Adam Renfro at arenfro@dpi.state.nc.us. Technical Requirements for Second Life can be viewed at the following website: http://secondlife.com/support/sysreqs.php

Slurl for the NCVPS Second Life Island: http://slurl.com/secondlife/North%20Carolina%20Virtual/139/156/32

Please click on the link below to view the presentation on how to get started in Second Life.

Second Life Basic Video Tutorials


Using Camera Controls:

Moving and Flying:

Teleporting and Landmarks:


Using Public and Private Chat:

Using Voice Chat:

Changing Your Appearance:

Editing Your Profile:

Making Friends:


Buying Linden Dollars:

Friday, May 29, 2009

Recent Grand Opening

We recently celebrated our new Second Life island with a Grand Opening. The grand opening consisted of short demonstrations on "How to Make the Most of Second Life" , tutorials set up around the island to learn the basics of Second Life, and a keynote address ,"e-volutions", by the NCVPS Director addressing where we've been and where we're heading in Second Life.

Thursday, May 28, 2009